
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Tiffany Twisted is a little girl named Amber?

So weird.

With what was in the description of the blog, and the picture, it reminded several of us of not only Joe Cafasso, but of the entire 'cabal' that Pelton described in his book. And what is someone doing here and elsewhere in the middle of the night? Don't these kids have anything better to do with their time than to hit blogs about Joe Cafasso?

Maybe she should take the Cafasso references out of the description of the blog...instead of baiting all those people out there who are curious and following the story behind the scenes.

So we hope that her 'feed' starts to work, and that her little friends can catch up with her. We extend our apologies.

speak or shut up at 11:56 AM
2 people took that same cross-town bus

- 10-31 -

  • the stalker the liar passenger to hell going round but not getting anywhere Since 1956.xxxx Joe Cafasso liar fraud poser fake

my wants

  • the truth
  • to be there when I witness
  • karma
