
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

nothing much to add except this

This just popped out today in the google search engine.

Tiffany Twisted: John R. Bolton Outed as Joe Cafasso; to Be Booted ...Devoted to Joe Cafasso aka Gerry Blackwood, Viktoria Robertson, Robert Gates, Jay Cafasso, ... Her mind is tiffany twisted. She's got her Mercedes Benz. ...
tiffany-twisted.blogspot.com/2006/11/john-r-bolton-outed-as-joe-cafasso-to.html - 15k - Nov 11, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

That's about all I can say. I grow weary of watching someone go crazy, and this man has obviously bitten into that 'forbidden fruit' one time too often. Or perhaps imbibed too much Jack Daniels.

speak or shut up at 5:56 PM
0 people took that same cross-town bus

- 10-31 -

  • the stalker the liar passenger to hell going round but not getting anywhere Since 1956.xxxx Joe Cafasso liar fraud poser fake

my wants

  • the truth
  • to be there when I witness
  • karma
