
Sunday, November 12, 2006

Joe Cafasso; contrasting Stuporpatriots with Outfoxed

This is just the beginning. The following piece was written with the input from several sources and is the result of a collaboration between me and Causal Nexus. He has it up at Carteret Con Artist. There actually isn't that much of a contrast between Stuporpatriots and what Cafasso said at Outfoxed. Carteret Con Artist's post and mine are not completely identical, as we've both tweaked what we have up a little bit. The more we read of his rants, the more the writing style, the spelling errors, the same references to intelligence terms, the sadistic pleasure in peoples' misfortunes and his part in those misfortunes, is coming to the surface.

At his own blog Joe Cafasso bloviates, revealing the very sentiments he talked about in the short clip above in "outfoxed". This is just one example of it, but there are numerous examples over there. We deconstruct them for...LOLKICKS! Here is an illustration of what he briefly discussed in Outfoxed. Above you can see a clip of Cafasso when he appeared for a blink of a second in Outfoxed, don't blink or you might miss it! Thanks to all for the technical help on this, and of course Cao, who graciously gave us a telephone interview.
They Just Don't Get It!

DISCOURAGED FORWARD! Junior Cape Crusaders Worldwide and our new trusty-side kick Award Winning Journalist Ed Caraballo!

Well Junior Cape Crusaders we seem to have some e mails from JackLynn's wingnutosphere! No problem Bigdog it was our pleasure to provide you a link. We hope you feel the same way in a few days when we out you.

Now this one was very interesting and actually deserves a response.

From: Kender
To: stuporpatriotscommo@yahoo.com
Subject: [The Stupor Patriots!] 1/23/2006 09:52:48 PM
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 21:00:53 -0800 (PST)

Yeah....thanx for the link.....BTW, I am awaiting my "outing"......and why do you have a bunch of people in the list that aren't in the free jack blog group? Couldn't that ve construed as harassment?

Posted by Kender to The Stupor Patriots! at 1/23/2006 09:52:48 PM

No problem Don! Its coming!
First, the sarcastic tone and calling Kender by another name is demonstrative of someone who is intent upon revealing someone's identity who hasn't chosen to reveal it. Another problem is his ignorance in the use of contractions. He uses "its" instead of "it's". He probably doesn't even understand the difference. These are skills that most people learn in gradeschool, but skills which Joe Cafasso missed out on. He must have been bullying some kid on the playground for his lunch money when they covered that in first grade. Another key problem he has is the spelling and use of similar-sounding words, such as there, their, they're. He doesn't use them in the correct places. And this man has been masquerading as a PHD in discussion groups and no one has noticed these little details.
We are very focused on you anyway and just this once we will play since you do raise a couple of questions worth answering. Why all of Wideawakes? And can it be construed as harassment?

Well now. To answer your first question. Wideawakes was not even on our radar screen until its psychotic founder JackLynn made it an issue. Dumb mistake. So of course we looked into the writings. Stupor Patriots is non-political and dedicated only to Jack Idema until his alter-ego jumped in. Of course we have our own opinions on politics and world events. Most of which we all believe is nothing more than spin minus a hell of a lot of facts at the expense of the US Constitution and the American Public.
Notice his condescension over Cao at Cao's blog. He refers to her as "JackLynn" and calls her stupid. Cafasso, by all appearances, in spite of his objections, is very political, as his forced retirement from Fox would attest, in addition to his jumping on with the moveon.org crowd. These are simply lies. Spin minus facts? Let's see the evidence instead of the hyperbole. These aren't facts, these are generalizations.
Wideawakes adds to the sheeple factor just as its liberal counter-parts do. If you must know we here are Constitutionalists. Solid conservatives but with real world experience in matters of the beltway. We do deal with the liberal points of view in our own ways and in a matter of speaking very directly.
This is an interesting observation, that conservatives - or maybe more succinctly, Christians, are considered "sheeple". Counter-part is one word and is not hyphenated, it's a compound word. Constitutionalists? You certainly must mean Russia's constitution, but then, you've never been out of the country, have you? This must have something to do with your close association with that Russian interpretor you've been bragging about.
Wideawakes are a group of anonymous writers who share one common thread.... stupidity... and in many cases are worse than their liberal counter-parts. Lets call it ...christiantics....a mixture of religion and political antics that says, we are right and you are wrong no matter what the facts may be. At least you can sandbag the liberals with facts.
Despite their political affiliations, Christians are all stupid. Yet, I find no proof that anything he says regarding that group is true. Or is it Conservatives? Can you not be a Christian and be a liberal? This twisted logic is lost on me. I'm not certain exactly which he's discussing, since he's made another stupid generalization there - but - everyone is stupid but Joe Cafasso. This fits into the definition of a stalker, harrasser, and psychotic, all names which he's been called in the past, and all names that he calls other people to throw the focus off of himself. Not very clever, though, is it?
Most of Wideawakes have never been involved with Hill politics. Never attended meetings at Foggy Bottom or the Puzzle Palace. Never testified in front of a Congressional Committee and never been inside the beltway to see reality. But they project their own unfounded reality.
This is another signature, the names he makes up his own little phrases for things. Like "back in the 'stan'". Nobody calls Afghanistan 'the stan' who's ever been there. Now "Hill politics" we might have heard of, but "Foggy Bottom" or the "Puzzle Palace"? This is where he tries to impress us with his references to the intelligence community.

"Foggy Bottom" is the neighborhood in DC where the State Dept is located. Years ago folks referred to the intel of State as Foggy Bottom; today people refer to State intel as "I & R" as in State's "Intelligence and Research". Most people just refer to State today as "State" OR "I & R" for the intel section. In some intel circles some may refer to "Foggy Bottom" as opposed to "Ft. Meade" which is NSA or "Langley" as in "CIA headquarters" in McLean Virginia.
Puzzle Palace is a book about the NSA that Bamford wrote in 1982.

We already know that you testified in front of a Congressional Committee as a the head of the insurance lobby and a special forces soldier, which, of course is a lie. Your 44 days in the army never qualified you as a special forces soldier, although it's part of what you lay claim to having done that you never did. So we surmise he's correct about these people - they are upstanding citizens who are offering their opinions on subjects that he doesn't feel they're qualified for because they're 'stupid' by virtue of them all being Christians. A sweeping claim which he provides no evidence for. They should have no right to speak about any subject because they're 'dumb' in his "expert" omnipotent Joe Cafasso opinion. I'd bet none of them lied about their identities the way Cafasso has as Gerry Blackwood. But that doesn't make them stupid, that makes them honest.
Lets give you a couple of examples.....

Jack Idema.... Now lets see.... All of Wideawakes are Christians...Bible thumping Christians or so they say. Pro-life...of course that does not mean anti-death penalty, or champions for social justice or believers in war as a last resort, supporters of the first amendment for all equally.....Just anti-abortion.
There's that contraction issue once more, it's let's as in let us. That's right, they believe in giving murderers and rapists their just punishment. I've heard that Cafasso has a child, I wonder what gender. Any man who is a father, I would think, would want to see child molesters brought to justice. Some child molesters walk over the line when they're freed and become child molesting murderers. This doesn't seem to bother Cafasso, however. I'm not sure they're Bible thumpers, though, from what I can see there is not a lot of quoting bible verses over there, but that's just as a result of my perusing a few pages. Joe Cafasso claims he's not 'political', but he believes in the right to kill babies, and is against the death penalty, and is a champion for social justice and is against war. We've already seen all of this by his association with certain individuals, but to go so far as to say the Stuporpatriots is not a political blog and then make a venomous post in opposition to people who don't profess to hold his opinions on political issues, is simply absurd. But in the mind of a psychotic, the only person that matters in the world is the psychotic, so it shouldn't come as a surprise.

Personally, as you will see from the posts accumulated here, I'm not talking about much but Joe Cafasso and the fear he attempts at instilling in people with intimidation and other tactics. I don't express any sentiments one way or another about the war or anything else, as I leave that up to the 'experts', and I do not consider Cafasso to be one.
The rest they define.... So here we have Jack Idema who is anything but a Christian nor holds to any Christian beliefs and the last time that Jack went to Church was when he was Baptized....Now he gets hero type of support from this so-called Christian community even though the real facts say the reverse. Which is why JackLynn was convicted of 56 counts of wire fraud and why JackLynn is in jail right now. There is no grand conspiracy. Never was. While spinning his horsehocky is very Christian of you all. Its also very Christian of people to attack others they do not know just based one ones points of view without and common reference or basis in fact......Very Christian. Its also very Christian to re-write or should we say cut and paste distortions from Jacks site and verbally running off with the mouth... And we know YOU don't like it done to you! Right Lynn? Right Don? So why do it to others?
What does Jack Idema's religious persuasion have to do with this discussion? Perhaps Cafasso needs to justify his tirade. His hatred of Jack Idema and his setting up that blog to attack him and anyone who might be in support of him is curious. His denials that he is Joe Cafasso is equally as incredulous. Jack Idema apparently hurt Cafasso in some way; Cafasso blames him for his job loss at Fox. Cafasso blames Idema for not being able to take credit for the tapes. $200 a week, is what he was earning with Fox, wasn't it? Or was it the damage that the NYT Rutenberg piece did to his reputation as a military analyst and counterterrorism expert? From what we can see, he has done quite a bit afterwards, being cited as a source in numerous articles, books and other pieces such as Shadow Company. So that expose didn't really do much in the end to harm his reputation; leftists love criminals; that's why they hold candlelight vigils for mass murderers sitting on death row. Naturally it's the 'humanist' position that Cafasso takes.
Lets take a look at War.... The Wideawakes group, a Christian group, are major supporters of this so-called war in Iraq. Why? Especially when their beliefs go against the Lausanne Covenant of 1974. Because they believe that George Bush is not just one of them but was Divinely placed into office? Don't get us wrong we also believe in taking out Saddam. However the problem we have is very simple. The order of battle in this war on terrorism was taken out of order. Meaning after Afghanistan, which we did not finish..Iran was the next logical target. Iran the "most active state sponsor of terrorism". You can go back to 1983 and you will find that 85% of the worlds terror attacks can be linked the Iranian MOIS and the QUDS Force. In 1998 MSIC (Missile Space and Intelligence Command) was screaming about the Iranian Shahab Ballistic Missile Systems. In 2001 MSIC was screaming about the pending deployment of the Shahab 3 and in July of 2003 Iran operationally deployed the system while this Administration did absolutely nothing. Matter of fact in 2001 Iranian Special Forces were in Herat, Afghanistan supporting a warlord by the name of Ismail Kahn going against Karazi and our own forces. Did we take them out? Nope.... Yeah lets blame it all on the intelligence community....This administration is not any better than the last one.
I would assume that Wide Awakes Radio, Kender's project has done quite a bit to convince Joe he was way off the mark with his branding all of the Wide Awakes Christians. But he was fresh off of his tiny little tirade which launched him into being a movie star, the main point being the 'Christian rightwing'. "We're right, you're wrong, no matter what." A devastastingly stupid remark to have come out of the lips and rotten teeth of Joe Cafasso, the man who has lied his way into places he has no business being, only to profess expertise on the military and other issues that he simply doesn't have.

Not political, but talking about politics, and even in a backhanded sort of way, saying that Bush is as bad as Clinton was in terms of supporting the military. Did you get that, Joe? You can't keep your points straight, obviously.
Now Iran has the potential of going nuclear. Can we attack them now? Sure... Can we whoop'em? Sure... But the cost in American lives will be far greater now than before the Iraq war. Hell Baghdad is now called "Little Iran"... MOIS influence is strong in Afghanistan. Both this Administration and the Liberals say, Iran has nationalism! Hell since when did we ever care about the nationalism of an enemy? Bill Clinton bombed Yugoslavia. Did we care about its nationalism? We armed and supported the Muslims in Kosovo. Many of those are the same ones we are fighting today. But because this administration suffered for a bad case of cranial rectal inversion, American soldiers are caught in the middle of the pincer.....
What an intolerable twit. What Cafasso would really like is 'no war'. He doesn't see what nationalism really is. In Iraq, the intellect of a 35-year old man is that of a gradeschool child, here. And why is that? Because of Saddam's nationalism. It's the way the Arabs keep control over the population; by keeping them uneducated and ignorant, their existences meager and poor. You can talk all you want comparing what you know to what people know who've actually been there, Joe. Talking about things you know little about except when you get emails from journalists in other countries, but they aren't without an agenda now, are they? You should get yourself a passport...but then mommy's not buying your train tickets anymore, and to our knowledge, she never footed the bill for you to take a plane anywhere. Have you ever even ridden on an airplane, Joe? We know you've claimed to be a pilot. That kind of expertise would have to be included if you're going to represent yourself as the propagandist for the Association of Retired Aviation Professionals.
Are we any safer now than prior to 911? Not by much! While there are mid-level executives in both law enforcement and intelligence that could fix our problems with one hand tied behind their backs... But they are not political animals. Once again never place all of your loyality with any false prophets....especially the political type.... Like Reagan said, trust but verify!
As I said, not a political blog, but talking politics. You can't claim to be one and then go back on yourself, it's not consistent to those of us with rational minds. Not everyone displays the overwhelming tendency to lie. Ahh, but these points are lost on poor sick Joe Cafasso.
So that leads us the one of the main focuses on Wideawakes. Their lack of reality.... There is an old saying, "Never create your own limitations by taking the opinions of others and allowing those opinions to become yours without a common reference or basis in fact". Meaning do some real world research. Not the research as done by JackLynn.... real research...Not the duckspeak that Wideawakes adds to the dumbing of Americans. They are no better than their liberal counter-parts. Hence our decision to out....
He's only proven thus far how out of touch he is. Doesn't he realize that if he's going to pontificate on something, he should at least provide us with an example? Nothing there but generalizations, which are peppered throughout the bombastic tirade.

Still he hasn't pointed out examples of their lack of reality, he's pointed out his own simply by what it is he's writing. Taking the opinions of others and allowing those opinions to become yours without a common reference or basis in fact? What an interesting sentence. You are assuming, then, that everyone in your path that doesn't agree with you doesn't have the right to state their opinion, and that they're stupid as a result. Furthermore, that no research is good research unless it's fabricated by you and your associates. This is all very revealing.
Now does that constitute harassment? Nope... We have not been in contact with most of them with exception of those who have been stupid enough to reply to us, Like you Don... But harassment is, forcing your beliefs on someone else to a point where that person feels life threatened and receives threats, like Steven Pearcy. While we do not like Mr. Percy's politics he has a constitutional right to free speech without the threat of violence. The Nazi's did things like that! The Communists did things like that! The KKK did things like that! That Don is harassment! That Don is Domestic Terrorism! Posting a Treason Contest and threatening the life of a sitting US Senator is not just harassment but its also a criminal act and Don... We don't think much of Senator Kerry's politics either. But death threats? That's not even funny. Very Christian!
According to the law t constitutes harrassment, and it does in New York as well as other places like Illinois. But I suppose it depends on who's defining it. We asked Cao about the things that Joe is discussing in this last paragraph. It turns out to be rather hyperbolic. Stephen Pearcy is a man who is trying to make himself into a celebrity. That's just one point that Cafasso and Pearcy have in common. He lives in Berkley and has a house in Sacramento that he rents out, and has put horrible displays showing soldiers in effigy, and when outrage rises out of the community, he's looking for people to sue. According to his neighbor, Stephen Pearcy is wild about pursueing media coverage. huh. Just like Joe Cafasso! Pearcy will do things like stand on a street corner with a sign and yell at passing cars. We in Britain have people like that, also, they're called village idiots. He baits conservatives into doing something, and then sues them. He won, in fact, a $5,000 settlement because some military or former military person ripped down one of his displays. He's also responsible for an Anti-American art display that was put up at a public courthouse, paid by American tax dollars. He has also been known to say of US soldiers "I hope they all die". He was the first one to release Cao's personal information, (including a picture of her that was someone else) but Joe did Pearcy one better. Joe published an autotrack that not only held her personal information, but that of her relatives, inlaws, former inlaws, and neighbors at the past few residents she's lived at, with their phone numbers and partial social security numbers. Not content with that because blogger took the post down, incensed that he didn't get away with it and she was fighting back, he then took it one step further and began calling and sending letters to her employer, claiming she's blogging on company assets and company time. What's interesting to note is he's so out of touch with the working class person. It's easy to document what you've done on the days you've taken for personal time, which every employee is afforded. Cao is more than resourceful; she managed to get that post with her personal information on it taken down by filing a complaint with blogger, but it had already been up for a full 10 days. But this is the kind of people Cafasso and Pearcy are. If Pearcy is undergoing problems, it's because of what he's doing to people. Here's another example of it at Digger's Realm:
Read a first hand account of a phone call one blogger received from Stephen Pearcy over at Mark Butterworth's blog Sunny Days In Heaven. Here's an excerpt, go read the rest.

I have just received a phone call today at about 12:15 pm from Mr. Stephen Pearcy regarding this blog which I wrote March 9, 2005 about Mr. and Mrs. Pearcy who hung a soldier in effigy (twice) from the eaves of their home in Land Park in Sacramento. I also noted with links vulgar statements posted on Mr. Pearcy’s car.
In the call I received from Mr. Pearcy, he informed me that I am guilty of a "tortious interference with a business relationship" because I suggested that people who didn't like her private actions could email her employer.

He admitted in our conversation (which I'll admit to being more animated in response than he in his assertions where he played the typical passive/aggressor) that his wife had suffered no harm from my blog or that of anybody else's (yes, he disclosed that he is contacting a number of other bloggers in the same way as he was doing with me) in her business relationship and had in fact seen an increases in business since they went public with their sick actions (the Michael Moore effect I guess you should call it).

I asked him if he was contemplating a potential cause of action against me. Yes, if warranted, he responded in approximate terms.

Mark Butterworth also informs me that Eugene Volokh has personally given him some advice and help via email and that he has contacted Stephen Pearcy in regards to his threats of a lawsuit.
But Cafasso leaves out the many confrontations Pearcy has forced online and in person in Sacramento. One day, just like Cafasso, Pearcy is going to cross the wrong individual. Pearcy, like Cafasso, is more than slightly off-center. He even made it into the museum of leftwing lunacy.
But even more importantly not one of the Wideawakes bloggers spoke out against any of this type of behavior. NOT ONE. Not one spoke out against the verbal attacks sponsored by JackLynn.... Most either supported or remained neutral rather than face peer presure.....Not one spoke against the behavior which we find very bothersome....like the threats....the verbal attacks....So Hence the outing.....

So Don if you or any of the Wideawakes blogger feel offended....all we have to say is..... "They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind".... And we are the whirlwind that you all helped create.......

BTW Don.... here is a PS for you... "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those in the course of a moral crisis remain neutral".... Dante

Five Days, 12 Hours, 36 Minutes to the OUTING!

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality - Dante
The appropriate spelling of that word is 'pressure', not that you would be familiar with a dictionary.

I haven't seen verbal attacks out of Lynn over at Cao's blog. But notice how he just says those things without providing links or any information to back up what he says. We're supposed to believe this anonymous windbag, until we realize he's Joe Cafasso the windbag, and then it just becomes fodder for a hearty laugh. What I have seen is thought provoking posts from a point of view rarely heard from, except on the blogs, which I find to be refreshing. That's how I was pulled into all of this to begin with; I, too wanted to express my opinion about something that hasn't been covered except by one or two people who paid dearly for it, because Joe desperately wants to maintain his 'image', even if it's a fake one.

The Wide Awakes haven't spoken about her behavior because she hasn't done what you're accusing her of. In reality, the real quote is

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality - Dante

But what would he know about it, he already lives in hell-the Senton Hotel. He also uses that 'definition of insanity' quote at other times which speaks to 'doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results'. This is what Cafasso does, so I think it's great how he pulls these quotes out and tries to act like he's educated with a degree like..a PHD in Nuclear Physics- when - he barely graduated High School, if he even managed that. We already know that he failed first grade grammar and spelling, if his writing is an indicator.

speak or shut up at 12:53 PM
2 people took that same cross-town bus

- 10-31 -

  • the stalker the liar passenger to hell going round but not getting anywhere Since 1956.xxxx Joe Cafasso liar fraud poser fake

my wants

  • the truth
  • to be there when I witness
  • karma
