
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Joe Cafasso and the Clipper Ship story

Believe it or not, in addition to his considerable bs on the military, he's got another 'claim to fame' which is affection for clipper ships and the history involved in them.

We have to consider the air, the ambiance, of the beautiful Newport area before we go on. The sprawling mansions, the incredible yachts and sailing boats, and.... Bannister's Wharf. It is at Bannister's Wharf where Joe Cafasso's clipper ship was being outfitted and modernized and undergoing an overhaul, according to Joe. This is a story he loved to tell, and which many people were witnesses to. You just have to give credit where credit is due. Giovanna raised a boy who turned into a man that never outgrew a child's active imagination.

Dream on, Joe...you never owned the sprawling home in Newport overlooking the Atlantic - although I'm sure that tale raised some eyebrows and impressed people. You never even owned the place in Normandy, France, you said you had, either. And you never had a 1940's clipper - named NUKEATER at Bannister's Wharf, either.

You might have had ties to a "law firm" in Warwick, but that might have been because of Uncle Angelo, the man who pled guilty to conspiracy to commit extortion in addition to actual extortion charges.

As to your claim of going to Brown University, that was your father, not you. For some reason I feel as though I'm in the movie "psycho" with Cafasso playing the Anthony Perkins character.

So...remember your 1940's era clipper boat - the one that was moored at Bannisters? You know, for those who are interested in the truth (and it's apparent that science fiction writer Kathryn Cramer and Robert Pelton among others are not)- it's very easy to stop and check that story out. We interviewed the management at Bannisters and all the other adjacent docks and these men are real boat lovers and they would have known if a 1940's clipper was there. Then you emailed around a picture of the boat! It was very easy to verify that this entire fantasy was as fake as the day is long.

Joe Cafasso is an amazingly cunning liar with venom and hate for the world. So twisted, he gives a bad name to pretzels and sailing knots!

speak or shut up at 2:47 PM
0 people took that same cross-town bus

- 10-31 -

  • the stalker the liar passenger to hell going round but not getting anywhere Since 1956.xxxx Joe Cafasso liar fraud poser fake

my wants

  • the truth
  • to be there when I witness
  • karma
