
Saturday, November 04, 2006

each of us have a story...

Each of us have a story, and it doesn't always show our best side. In the case of Joe Cafasso, we have as yet to see that 'best side'...because he's consumed with hatred and jealousy for people who actually have diplomas, and who've actually achieved something in their lives, such as the honorable people who've served in our military.

By portraying himself as Lt. Col. US-Army (ret), (Lieutenant Colonel, US-Army, retired), he has taken a little bit away from everyone who's spent time fighting for our country in the steamy jungles of Vietnam, or Laos, or Iran, or any of the places he has portrayed himself to have travelled in the service of our country.

The growing phenomenon of military frauds has reached a proportion of extreme magnitude. This is the beginning of telling a story that Joe Cafasso is resisting coming out, in contrast to the case he has built against a former special forces soldier, Jack Idema, who he constantly rails against, and at one point, even wanted to have killed.

You see, Joe Cafasso doesn't have the normal restrictions of those who follow the conforms of society. Joe Cafasso finds ways around the system, in a bigger way than even Abagnale did. Abagnale transformed himself into a new persona every few years, generated counterfeit money, and travelled the world. As far as we can tell, Cafasso, by contrast, hasn't ever left the United States, and perpetrates and lies in front of people in a relatively small geographic area. If you can imagine walking down the street and meeting eyes with someone who recognizes you, and racking your brain for when the last time you saw that person was, and who you said you were, and what lies you recounted as your experiences; this is the hell that Joe Cafasso has created for himself.

And his lies, his false tales of military heroism, are all catching up to him.

speak or shut up at 10:54 AM
0 people took that same cross-town bus

- 10-31 -

  • the stalker the liar passenger to hell going round but not getting anywhere Since 1956.xxxx Joe Cafasso liar fraud poser fake

my wants

  • the truth
  • to be there when I witness
  • karma
