Wednesday, July 27, 2011
psychotic comment left here by pptoas
I'm about to bust a gut laughing as this spam arrived in comments months ago in several instances of someone determined to post it and see it published. Clues, anyone?
Poor poor Lynn. We all figured it out. Jack has been being blamed for all your nonsensical nonsense. Not that he's innocent, but he certainly has no clue all you've been up to. The complaints.com reply was what did it. Yes you listed yourself as "moral majority" in what world are you moral???? Having an extra-marital affair & lying to your husband is not very moral my dear. Having an emotional & verbal affair when the physical wasn't available is also wrong. Defending him and hating homosexuals when he is bisexual is really off the chart. And you put Streamwood, Illinois, but yet we thought it was Jack. You are sooo happy to finally be in his life & getting thrown a few bones you're going all out. All the blogs you've been writing, this one, all the Joe C. ones, "My Worst Nightmare","Bite Me", "The Way I Like It", etc. The dots have all been connected. You have always wanted to be number 1 with him. We have also gone thru your blog & saw the desperation of the videos you posted in regards to him. Read all your letters & cards to him before he left Afghanistan, "Soldier Boy" all the letters of how you were waiting & couldn't wait to be together, perhaps El Salvador. The stupid lovesick cards with your remarks "I didn't know they made cards like this" suggestive & so childish. And then, when you wind up with him, how disappointing it must have been for you when he was repulsed by you sexually but yet went thru the act because he owed you. When he didn't pick you, I can only imagine how hurt you were. I mean he set you up with the cool profile of you looking like Uma Thurman & bought you the sunglasses even gave you one of my Indian dresses, so you really thought you were "it". So sad. You were used, pure & simple. Even when you now take credit for being in the loop regarding Nina & his accident. Which you did nothing to help him, I did it. But you were just the joke. He even laughed about you telling everyone how desperate you were & how he couldn't even stand to be with you when you visited. You were an overage,worn out hag. But yet you still held on. And now you run around dressed up like a commando psycho saying you work for Task Force Saber 7. Any bones like I said thrown in your direction. How pathetic are you. You refuse to see the truth. You refuse to see that he is still having relationships with both women & men in Mexico & yet wooing you on the phone so you fight his battles. Go for it. Believe the lies, leave the life you have. You will suffer his consequences because he is simply using you & laughing at you. He has admitted that he is using you & we have it on tape. We will also let you see any medical info from Mexico including when he was in Clinica Carranza if you need more verification. You have been burned and we have tried to warn you. I personally, tried & you decided I was lying. What are you going to do when you realize I told you the truth and you are so far in debt & sick like I am now. He is making you jump thru hoops and you are not questioning anything. And this whole Joe Cafasso thing, has it ever occurred to you that maybe in the beginning, it was Joe C being a con, but maybe to keep you intrigued it's been Jack? He plays psychological games with people & is very good at it. Whatever. Like I said, I tried to warn you. I don't want to see anyone else in the position I am in now. One more question, why have you refused to even hear me out or look at any of the proof I have? Are you afraid that you just might see the truth? And WHY don't you & him use your real names instead of all the aliases? Cowards.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Cafasso and Haiti
CN should update the list of gmail addresses Cafasso is known to use. See here:
Title: Director
Email: knightscross.hls@gmail.com
Work Phone:
Organization: Knights Crossing Humanitarian Logistics Services
Membership: Member
See here:
Saturday, March 21, 2009
the AMAZING Joe Cafasso
The Amazing Joe Cafasso: FBI Agent; CIA Operative; Delta Force Colonel; White House Staff; Secret Service Agent; Nuclear Weapons Inspector; Navy SEAL; Special Forces Lt Colonel; Navy Lt Commander; and NOW--FINALLY-- STORM CHASER for the US Government and NTSB Advisor….!!!
Joe Cafasso: “At Fox News the Colonel Who Wasn’t” - the story continues…
Joe Cafasso REALLY IS the Carteret Con Artist. His latest adventures include the arrest in Indiana on January 22, 2009 which was preceded by a typical Cafasso-esque scene: his forcing himself into a search and rescue operation at the Indiana Dunes; bragging that helicopters would appear which never did, and elbowing his way into the rescue tent and barking orders at everyone. Out of all the rescue personnel at the scene, it was Cafasso, AKA Robert Stormer, who was quoted by the press~! It was his strange behavior and injecting himself into the life of a widow that drew the attention of local authorities. A man who appears from nowhere with no past or friends and relatives should not be trusted. After his traffic stop where he had no valid identification, he was eventually arrested for ‘failure to appear’ in court. It was only then that he admitted that he was Joe Cafasso, but claimed he was going by an alias because spooks were after him.The charges, which interestingly enough, are not mentioned when you call the jail-are “providing false information” to law enforcement (he at first tried to tell him he was Robert Stormer before eventually admitting he is actually Joe Cafasso), “driving on a suspended license”, “speeding”, and using the name and social security number of a 13-year-old girl in Rhode Island whose name is Robin Storm (identity theft).
We always thought that Cafasso was just a blowhard con-man who used (among other things) fake military credentials to gain fame and fortune, mostly to stroke his ego and make a few easy bucks off the unsuspecting "mark". The true purpose of Cafasso’s lifelong con game only recently came to to light: Cafasso has been running a lonely heart's scam all this time. The list of the women left in his wake has grown considerably. And sadly, the most recent was a woman in Indiana: used, abused, and skipped out on.
A Mensa Girl- First, there was the "mark" in Washington DC, who Cafasso spun his CIA tales to. He got a job with FOX News as a Delta Force Colonel and served as their Military Analyst for the 2001-2002 Afghan war. He was exposed by Jack Idema and a bevy of real Special Forces officers in early 2002, and was then fired from FOX (NY Times- The Colonel Who Wasn’t). The woman brilliant: well educated, and well off, with her own townhouse in DC, but lonely. After six months with Cafasso she was broke, left alone standing at the altar, and in fear for her life. Cafasso told her that he was deep undercover with the CIA and if she ever complained about him she would die. She so believed this that she moved to a remote area of West Virginia, used a PO Box in another town, and went into hiding. It took 6 months for Special Forces soldiers to find her so Jack Idema could interview her. When they first showed up at her house, the woman said “please don’t kill me.” The response from Jack was, “What? What are you talking about? Are you crazy?” And then it all came out. Cafasso had led her to believe that there was already a CIA hit team looking for her. The interview was frightening; Cafasso had turned the woman’s life into a living hell, driving her from family and friends into a life of solitude and fear.
A Boston Girl- Then, there was a lady in Boston. Divorced, lonely, with a beautiful condo. Cafasso spun his web around her next. Five months later, after being outed in a bar by a Massachusetts police officer, Cafasso attacked Robin Moore, beating the old man for telling him he would not be part of Moore’s new Special Forces book. Moore was left with extensive bruises from the beating. Cafasso high-tailed it out of there. He left behind his new love and took her money. But, as fate would have it, in his haste to leave town, Cafasso also left behind two cartons of papers. Those papers later ended up in Jack Idema’s hands and painted a picture of extensive fraud by Cafasso, who was working with Ed Artis at Knightsbridge to fraudulently obtain USAID grants of millions of dollars posing as phony Knights and Colonels with phony PhDs.
A Columbia Girl- Mariah Blake. Then
A New York Girl- Stacy Sullivan. Then
A CNN Girl- Christine Dolan. Then
A Skinny Little Tramp Girl- Kathryn Kramer, Then
A Classic Lonely Hearts Girl – Andrea Ello, Then
And who else...??? The tale continues...
Labels: carteret, carteret con artist, embezzler, fraud, Indiana, New Jersey, New York, Porter County
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Cafasso's case has been transferred to the FBI
It is no longer being held by the Indiana state conservation department; and this is worrying because the FBI HAS USED CAFASSO AS A SOURCE. According to my contacts, Kathrym Cramer's apple laptop is now in the hands of the FBI. Labels: fbi, joe cafasso, robert stormer
The White Plains New York FBI department had an open file on Cafasso once, and they didn't pursue it. It will be interesting to see if these flatfooted keystone cops do anything with it THIS time, even though they have all the evidence they could ever hope for in their hot little hands.joe cafasso
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Cafasso as Stormer and his sloppy reporting
When reading over at Causal Nexus this morning about how less-than-impressive Cafasso is as Robert Stormer when he attempts to "investigate" the failure of EPIRB systems and encourage people to write their representatives to spur investigations, I began looking around for other examples. Labels: Congress, criminal identity theft, embezzlement, embezzler, france, fraud, government, hurricane andrea, joe cafasso, JP, lawsuit, rob stormer, robert stormer, robin storm, shipwreck
It is not only Cafasso's signature temper, and desire to have people killed that sets him apart from the other investigators, it is what the writer at PANBO summarizes in this post:Conclusion? Stormer’s sloppy Ellie B./Adriatic example does not illustrate why Congress should push the Coast Guard to better investigate EPIRBs problems, as he claims, but instead how the USCG already does such investigations when appropriate. It also suggests how deeply shoddy and biased his investigative reporting really is. A motivated high school student could do better, and more balanced, Web research in a day than he’s managed in a year. Stormer’s “investigation” sure looks like a self-aggrandizing vendetta—facts and critics be damned—and nothing but a disservice to mariners, equipment manufacturers, the USCG, and the whole SARSAT community.
It was pointed out by CN that there are some who readily recognized Cafasso as someone who doesn't know what he's talking about. Saying that you have credentials such as a degree in engineering and actually having a degree in engineering - are two completely different things. If he were qualified to speak on these issues, he wouldn't be caught plagiarizing, and wouldn't be caught mis-reading the very articles he references. He can't even draw reasonable conclusions.
His negative reporting demonstrates yet another attempt to bamboozle not only people who are interested in exposing maritime accidents and the failures of the systems that put lives at risk, it reveals his desire to drag government agencies and government entities into it.
He is famous for conracting and filing fictitious complaints and reports with government agencies; it's part of his schtick.joe cafasso
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
aggravated identity theft
Aggravated identity theft is when someone uses a false identity to do somethng like borrow money.
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 47 > § 1028 § 1028A. Aggravated identity theft
That is what Robert Stormer, aka Joe Cafasso did in Indiana and when he was running around in Florida after that shipwreck. He most certainly did that under the name of Lt. Col. Gerry Blackwood.
According to the law, if he'd shown up at Western Union and provided the documentation he showed in Indiana to prove he was Robert Stormer, that would have been illegal, too.
According to the law - if I'm reading it correctly - someone found guilty of such an offense isn't even allowed to go on parole.
It would be interesting to see if what he's done qualifies as terrorism, according with this:(2) Terrorism offense.— Whoever, during and in relation to any felony violation enumerated in section 2332b (g)(5)(B), knowingly transfers, possesses, or uses, without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person or a false identification document shall, in addition to the punishment provided for such felony, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 5 years.
joe cafasso
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Cafasso in jail
Cafasso was thrown in a Chesterton Indiana jail yesterday.
From CCA.joe cafasso