
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

come now, leftists have used Sinclair as a target for way too long

Quandam politics may be gone from the web but the cache about our new hero Jeff Barea still exists. Their being scared off the internetz by someone who's scarier than they are is fantastic news.

Why, you may ask? Because M&N and their associates have been stalking Larry Sinclair in a number of different ways, including forcing his websites off line, peppering comments sections with falsehoods, collecting information about his supporters and publishing their emails and personal information - including medical histories, compiling a list of employers, going after people through email, issuing death threats, etc.

They even used the Cafasso approach by attacking Sinclair's lawyer and calling Sinclair's mother.  These are not new tactics; we have seen them already.  *yawn*

All right, we could construe this behavior as - not something threatening as then intend, -but merely as an invitation to play.  Let's see what you think when the shoe is on the other foot and it's you who is being investigated; whose being probed.

Turnabout is fair play.
Rumroast.com, M, P, and G S ...the kitchen is getting hot with the baking of the muffins for delivery

But you make your bed, then you lie in it.

Enjoy the muffin basket.

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speak or shut up at 7:07 AM
0 people took that same cross-town bus

- 10-31 -

  • the stalker the liar passenger to hell going round but not getting anywhere Since 1956.xxxx Joe Cafasso liar fraud poser fake

my wants

  • the truth
  • to be there when I witness
  • karma
